“The Photon Propagator in Light-Shell Gauge,” H. Georgi, G. Kestin, A. Sajjad, [arXiv:1312.1741v1 [hep-ph]], Phys. Rev. D (2016, 9 pages).
“Color Fields on the Light-Shell,” H. Georgi, G. Kestin, A. Sajjad, [arXiv:1004.1404v1 [hep-ph]], J. High Energy Phys. (2016, 10 pages).
“Towards an Effective Field Theory on the Light-Shell,” H. Georgi, G. Kestin, A. Sajjad, [arXiv:1401. 7667 [hep-ph]], J. High Energy Phys. (2016, 13 pages).
“Light-Shell Theory Meets Its Match” (Seminar), Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature, Harvard University; May 8, 2013.
“Light-Shell Effective Theory Groundwork” (Seminar), Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature, Harvard University; November 2, 2011.
“The Light-Hearted Childhood of an Effective Field Theory” (Seminar), Center for Ultracold Atoms, Harvard University; October 14, 2011.
“Cusp Anomalous Dimension and Light-Shell EFT” (Seminar), Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature, Harvard University; May 4, 2011.
“Following the Light Toward a New Kind of Effective Field Theory” (Seminar) Center for Ultracold Atoms, Harvard University; September 23, 2010.
“Hydrodynamic Radial and Elliptic Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions from AGS to LHC Energies,” G. Kestin, U. Heinz, European Physical Journal C for Hard Probes, 2008 Special Topics Issue [arXiv:0806.4539v1 [nucl-th]] (10 pages).
“A Study Using Relativistic Hydrodynamics for Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions: The Quark-
Gluon-Plasma to Hadron Phase Transition and LHC Predictions,” G. Kestin, (Advisor: U. Heinz), Senior Honors Thesis: The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank (2008). Find at: (15 pages).
“Heavy-Ion Collisions at the LHC – Last Call for Predictions (section 2.4: From RHIC to LHC: Elliptic and Radial Flow Effects on Hadron Spectra),” G. Kestin, U. Heinz, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (2007), in press [arXiv:0711.0974 [hep-ph]] (3 pages).
“From RHIC to LHC: Elliptic and Radial Flow Effects on Hadron Spectra,” (Poster Presentation), Tenth Annual Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU), American Physical Society, Division of Nuclear Physics, Newport News, VA; October 12, 2007.
“Jozsó’s Legacy: Chemical and Kinetic Freeze-out in Heavy-Ion Collisions,” U. Heinz, G. Kestin, European Physical Journal C (2007), in press [arXiv:0709.3366 [nucl-th]] (14 pages).
“Chemical Freeze-out in Heavy-ion Collisions and the Quark-Hadron Phase Transition” (Contributed talk), Fall 2007 Meeting, American Physical Society, Division of Nuclear Physics, Newport News, VA; October 11, 2007.
“Universal Chemical Freeze-out as a Phase Transition Signature,” U. Heinz, G. Kestin, Conference Proceedings, Workshop on “Critical Point & Onset of Deconfinement,” Proceedings of Scienc CPOD (2006) 038 [ nucl-th/0612105] (16 pages).